
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Holiday Time at BrandDNA

It's Christmastime.

And as usual my wife loves to complain that it's too hot and really doesn't feel like Christmas.

Thing is she's Jewish. So how the hell would she know what Christmas feels like?

Anyway I'm taking a break for a few days and so is BrandDNA.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by this year and big love to everyone who left a comment - even the spammers.

See you in 2013.

Best...Stan x

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Obama Geek Squad

Nice little insight into the geek squad behind the Obama election campaign. What surprised me most was how goddamn young they all are! 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Instagram of video?

With all the far from positive publicity surrounding the terms and conditions of Instagram the launch of what could well be the Instagram of video has gone largely unheralded.

I'm talking about Capture. A new seriously slick and easy to use video camera app from YouTube.

Now if anyone has the knowledge to create the Instagram of video then it surely has to be YouTube.

I've just downloaded it.

I'll let you know how it goes once I give it a try over Xmas.

Click here to download.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Big fat pipes

Pardon my ego but this lovely campaign reminds me so much of a rambling longish copy campaign I tried to get up for Origin Energy.

Rather unsurprisingly they chose not to run it and settled instead on a far more formulaic approach.

I see a lot of this 'clever copy' led advertising coming out of Wieden & Kennedy London.

Love to know how they get it approved!

Click the pics for a bigger better look.

Monday, December 17, 2012

What women want

Ain't no one more politically incorrect than me.

But seriously who on earth thought this Santa Hoover ad was a good idea?

Yes I know it comes from a long time ago and things were different then but still...

A Hoover? For Christmas?

I reckon my wife would rather get a bag of coal. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012


One of the largest international sperm banks in Denmark, Cryos International, has released a statement turning away sperm donations from redheaded sperm donors. Unfortunately Cryos explains that the supply is currently exceeding the demand.

christina hendricks 235x300 Gingers Are Out: Sperm Bank Rejects RedheadsAccording to the Cryos agency director, Ole Schou, the long waiting list of redheaded candidates accompanied with their current supply of 140,000 doses of sperm from redheads creates a situation where, “Our stock is about to explode.”
“There are too many redheads in relation to demand. I do not think you chose a redhead, unless the partner — for example, the sterile male — has red hair, or because the lone woman has a preference for redheads. And that’s perhaps not so many, especially in the latter case,” Schou also stated.
Because Cryos International supplies to 65 countries all over the world, sperm donors with genetic characteristics that are unwanted will cause a suspension in donations. Redheads are not alone in this; Schou explained that the bank is also not taking donations from non-brown-eyed Scandinavians.
It must be shocking to find out that your genetic makeup is currently “unwanted.” Redheads should not take this too hard; there are sperm banks all over the world who are announcing they are glad and willing to take donations from redheaded donors. There is also still a high demand for redheads in Ireland.
Parents who are choosing less traditional ways of reproduction, for whatever reason, now have the ability to pick and choose the DNA of their child. For this reason the most desirable sperm comes from educated athletes or musicians.
Who can forget the vanity in the world we live in? As much as skills and intelligence comes into play, looks take precedence as well. Unfortunately the demand for Cryos leans away from redheads. Cryos explains that the demand in Europe is for brown hair, brown eyed men.
Cryos also wants to represent the other countries outside of Europe that they supply to.
“Our function in society is to have all races and all ethnicities. Our problem is that we have too many Scandinavians only,” Schou added.
If you think about it most people want their children to look like them and because redheads are rarer in society, the likelihood that the demand would reflect that is high.
How do you think this will affect redheads of the future? Just four percent of the world’s population carries the red-hair gene. The ginger gene is recessive and gets diluted when DNA is combined with more dominant genes like brown-hair.
To learn more about testing your own DNA, visit GTL DNA Testing.
Gingers Infographic Gingers Are Out: Sperm Bank Rejects Redheads

lisa brennan-jobs

steve jobs daughter Lisa Brennan 300x201 The Guarded Personal Life of Steve Jobs: His Illegitimate Child and Adoptive PastThough the renowned entrepreneur and tech genius, Steve Jobs, led a guarded personal life, it had been no secret that he was adopted. Steve Jobs had a dramatic biological family background, with a less than traditional relationship with that part of his past. In 1955 Steve Jobs was born and immediately put up for adoption. Years later he would experience a similar situation when his high school sweetheart would give birth a baby girl that Jobs would remain estranged from for many years.

It is hard to believe that a man who dropped out of college to pursue spiritual enlightenment with a pilgrimage to India would actually deny what he probably always knew. On May 17, 1978 his then high school girlfriend gave birth to his daughter Lisa. For two years Jobs denied paternity and refused to accept his responsibilities as a father.

Going back to his past, Steve’s own biological father played that same role, abandoning his family. Shortly after Steve Jobs was put up for adoption, his biological parents actually ended up marrying and having a daughter. But shortly after Steve’s sister was born in 1962, his father, Abdulfattah “John” Jandali, left his family and filed for divorce.

Steve Jobs Estranged Abdulfattah Jandali 150x150 The Guarded Personal Life of Steve Jobs: His Illegitimate Child and Adoptive PastMaybe it was Steve’s own issues with his own family history that caused him to react the way he did towards his daughter Lisa. Finally in 1986 Jobs acknowledged paternity for Lisa and the father and daughter were able to start building a relationship.

Though Steve Jobs went as far as swearing in court that he was “sterile and infertile, and as a result thereof, did not have the physical capacity to procreate a child.” Around the time of Lisa’s birth, an Apple computer was actually named the Apple Lisa computer. Jobs claimed that it had nothing to do with his daughter and that the name came from the acronym “Local Integrated Software Architecture.” Only Steve Jobs will ever really know the truth.

Reconnecting with estranged biological parents or even learning that you are adopted can take a serious toll on the psyche. That feeling of not knowing where you come from, yearning for a deeper understanding of your “self” can truly consume someone. Along with those feelings is the depressing idea that you are unwanted.

About 107,000 children are adopted on average every year. If you are ever unsure about your genetic background, adopted or not, knowing about your past is important, visit GTL DNA for affordable tests you can complete at home.

ted bundy crime scene photos

bundywanted 20 Years Later Serial Killer Ted Bundy’s DNA Added to FBI Database, May Close Unsolved MurdersA lost vial of Ted Bundy’s blood was recently found at the Tallahassee Crime Lab, the blood was collected in 1978 when Bundy was taken into custody for the murder of a 12-year old local girl. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement will be adding the DNA for the serial killer into the national FBI database and will possibly be closing many cold case murders.

bundywanted 20 Years Later Serial Killer Ted Bundy’s DNA Added to FBI Database, May Close Unsolved MurdersTed Bundy is one of the most infamous serial killers in America’s history. Bundy went on an abduction, rape, torture, and murder rampage across five states in the 1970s. The serial killer is also an admitted necrophiliac and known sociopath.

Bundy was sentenced to the death penalty and got the electric chair in 1989 before the advent of DNA evidence in forensic science. After his hair and a bite marks on a victim’s buttock were matched to evidence found at crime scenes, Bundy was finally caught and convicted.

Though he was only convicted on three murders, he later confessed to murdering over 20 more girls before his execution. Many girls were left unidentified but Bundy did admit to many crimes where the police had him as the lead suspect.

During his incarceration and his wait on death row, he spoke closely with FBI Special Agent, William Hagmaier. He explained to Agent Hagmaier that his early murders were more impulsive and that he truly became a predator around the time of Lynda Healy’s murder in 1974.Though he never admitted to murders before 1974, that statement implies that he did kill before. This new DNA evidence can open the doors to many other undocumented murders by Bundy.

Published estimates of how many homicides Bundy actually committed go as high as 100 or more. In an interview with biographer Hugh Aynesworth that for every publicized murder, of which there were 30, there “could be one that was not.” This implies yet again that there are many other murders that he did not admit to.

Since his DNA was put in the FBI database, there is already a cold case that is being reopened. The murder of Ann Marie Burr, an 8-year old girl in Tacoma, Washington where Bundy spent his adolescent years. If Bundy’s new DNA evidence connects him to this murder, this will make Burr his first documented victim.

57530dd5bd377b25b085d2a3cb7d8c8d 20 Years Later Serial Killer Ted Bundy’s DNA Added to FBI Database, May Close Unsolved Murders
d8aedbcff5ca203bfade65462a65051a 20 Years Later Serial Killer Ted Bundy’s DNA Added to FBI Database, May Close Unsolved Murders
6240ddb4a6b96dc367123eb4f0e020a7 20 Years Later Serial Killer Ted Bundy’s DNA Added to FBI Database, May Close Unsolved Murders
 Do you think that if DNA profiling had been prevalent during Bundy’s murder spree, things would have been different?

medical examiner trayvon martin clothes damp ammonia odor

adam scott innocent 300x200 Man wrongly charged with rape after DNA evidence tray was re used by forensicsHuman Error to Blame in Forensic Evidence Arrestadam scott innocent 300x200 Man wrongly charged with rape after DNA evidence tray was re used by forensics

Human error in the lab caused Adam Scott to be held in jail for six months after his arrest on October 23, 2011, the UK report stated. Scott, residing in Devon, was charged with raping a woman in Plant Hill Park, Blackley and immediately taken into custody. As in any rape case, Scott was required to submit a blood test to determine if his DNA matched with what was recovered from the victim.

Unfortunately, the tech at LGS Forensics in Manchester that was performing the lab analysis re-used the plastic tray that the sample on. This is a routine test, says the LGS, but they admitted that there was a similar mistake made earlier that same year, while also determining the DNA of an individual.

Accidents Could Convict Innocent Citizens

Mr. Scott was held in custody for “only” six months, until March 7, 2012. If the contaminated specimen had been used, Scott could have been convicted and held in prison, which would have been completely unfair. Andrew Rennison, the Forensic Science Regulator stated “It is unlikely that the case against Mr. Scott would ever have proceeded to trial and, in the absence of any further evidence, the case would probably have been discontinued.”

The technicians who were working in the lab did not adhere to the strict guidelines. The proper procedures were not used in destroying the plastic trays that were used to hold the samples and the result was contamination. As you would expect, there is a validated DNA extraction process that was ignored or not followed precisely, the trays were not labeled, and the records were not kept properly.

Man Wrongly Charged is Freed

What compounded the errors made was that LGC refused to reconsider their work and the chance that contamination could have possibly occurred. The investigating officer questioned the dependability of the DNA profile, and this refusal caused an innocent man to be held in custody even longer.

The UK Accreditation Service, UKAS, did not revoke the accreditation from LGS Forensics, but they required the agency to put “a number of mandatory improvement actions” into operation, to prevent this type of error from happening in the future.

LGS stated that they treat any error seriously and deeply regretted the contamination that occurred. The incident was closely monitored by the Forensic Regulator and the United Kingdom Accreditation Service, and both of these national agencies were satisfied with the outcome of the investigation. They expressed their satisfaction with the corrective measures that LGS made their protection against further contamination and the high standards that were instituted.

Looking at this incident with an international eye, Mr. Rennison had been warned previously by the Forensic Science Service, FSS, which represents the UK in international issues. With the threat of England’s reputation on the line, he asked police in every town in the UK to assist him in regulating standards in all the laboratories to prevent other tests from falling beneath the standards.

cornelius marion released

Cornelius Dupree Exonerated Selma 300x231  DNA Evidence Exonerates Cornelius Dupree, After 30 Years in Jail!Cornelius Dupree Jr. was just 19 years old when he was sentenced to 75 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. Last week, after serving 30 years in prison for the rape and robbery of a Texas woman, Dupree was finally exonerated of the crime- thanks to a DNA test that proved he was innocent all along.

The 51 year old Texan served in prison from 1979 to 2010, when he was released on parole. He could have reduced his sentence, on two separate occasions, by admitting that he was a sex offender. However, Dupree adamantly claimed innocence, recently stating, “Whatever your truth is, you have to stick with it”.

After wrongfully serving 30 years in prison, Cornelius Dupree is the longest-serving inmate in Texas to have been exonerated by DNA evidence and, according to the Innocence Project, only two other people in U.S. history have wrongfully spent more time in prison, only to later be exonerated by DNA evidence. “It’s a great tribute to Cornelius and his spirit that he was able to fight this long and this hard to win his freedom,” said Dupree’s attorney, Barry Scheck, co-director of the Innocence Project.

Yahoo reports that the state of Texas  has freed 41 wrongfully convicted prisoner since 2001 through DNA testing and evidence- which is more than any other state in the nation. But the high number of misconvicted inmates being exonerated only occurred because police officials in Texas preserved the DNA evidence, which eventually freed Cornelius Dupree JR. and 40 other Texas prisoners. Wade Goodwyn of NPR reports, “Dallas has so many exonerations not because it was more egregiously unjust than other counties in Texas, but because unlike other jurisdictions, Dallas County kept the DNA evidence refrigerated and stored for decades. That’s what saved these men.”

Cornelius Dupree Jr. has is currently unsure how to feel about all of this. “I must admit there is a bit of anger, but there is also joy, and the joy overrides the anger,” he stated. I’m just so overwhelmed with the joy of being free.” And free he is, at last.

The horror - The horror

FCB in Melbourne recently closed their doors costing a couple of my friends their jobs.

As sad as that was I bet they're bloody glad they're not working at FCB now that this video is in the public arena.

Seriously does FCB in SA not have a Creative Director?

Saturday, December 15, 2012

nmachi ihegboro update 2012

With the ever improving science we are facing, celebrities may have a reason to take careful precautions when it comes to who has access to their DNA. With so many of them dealing with crazed fans that will go to any length to be as close to them as possible, and the black market selling every piece of them possible, it seems they have good reason to be more careful than most.

Madonna is one of the most famous entertainers of our time. She sings, she dances, she acts, she directs, and she writes. Her fan base is spread world-wide and encompasses all walks of life. Many people don’t take things to the extreme and become obsessed with her, but there are times it happens. In those extreme cases, it can be because of mental illness, extreme obsession and even worse, for profit. It is quite possible for a celebrity to be exploited using just a single hair strand to carry out DNA testing for many reasons.

4207490449 28e0a349f5 Madonna Prevents DNA Theft...Is She Just Paranoid?

It is possible to complete a DNA profile on someone using discarded tissues, used glasses and coffee cups, smoked cigarettes, combs/brushes or even a toothbrush. All that is needed to complete DNA tests on Madonna or anyone else is a strand of hair, saliva or skin cells. Once one of these items are collected, all a person needs to do is contact a DNA testing company to have them do the testing. It is currently not considered a crime to do this to anyone, no matter who they are. It can be done quickly and can be kept very private.

In the case of Madonna, she goes to great lengths to keep her DNA under wraps. She employs a sanitizing crew to completely rid her dressing rooms of her DNA. Before concerts, once her dressing room is prepared and ready for her to use, only members of her entourage are allowed to even look at the room until the sanitizing team has cleaned it after her show!

If someone were to get a hold of her DNA, they could easily find out her genetic profile. The information could be used to sell to collectors. It could be used to frame her for a crime. It could also be used to learn more about her medical information and genealogy, which may be something she doesn’t necessarily want other people to know. In the most extreme case, in the near future, her DNA could even be used to make a clone of her!

Granted, the clone making technology is still under development, but within a few years, it is a very real possibility! Suffice it to say, DNA testing is a very powerful tool. It could be used for good or for bad. It is understandable why someone like Madonna would be so careful with it.

gtl meaning

snooki Italian 185x300 GTL on GTL: Is Snooki Really Italian?Every Thursday night, millions of viewers gather around their television sets for a little GTL (gym, tan, laundry).  This famous acronym appropriately highlights the ritualistic behaviors of a Guido or Guidette. This Guido/Guidette lifestyle is so accurately portrayed through the cast members who make up MTV’s hit show, The Jersey Shore.snooki Italian 185x300 GTL on GTL: Is Snooki Really Italian?

These Guidos and Guidettes get their stereotypical titles from the word ‘Guido’ which once held the meaning of a younger lower class or working class urban Italian-American. This term has since transformed into a word describing a tan-obsessed, muscle-head who pumps his or her fists at the night clubs in the epicenter of their world, New Jersey.

One of the most infamous Guidettes on the Jersey Shore is Nicole Polizzi, a.k.a Snooki.  This 4’9 Guidette has got the look and attitude, but there is speculation as to whether she really is a TRUE Guidette or not.

Shockingly, Nicole Polizzi, Snooki, “The Ultimate Guidette” is in fact NOT Italian and even more shocking is that she is also adopted! Her adoptive parents are Italian, but Snooki herself is Chilean. It’s easy to think that ALL of the cast members are full-bloodied, first generation Italians; however, this is not the case! As seen with Snooki, there are actually other cast members who would fail this true “Guido test.”

Perhaps it’s time for the REAL GTL team to come in and perform some Ancestral Origins DNA testing on the entire cast, so that viewers are no longer fooled.

gtldna complaints

abc oprah sister patricia 110124 main ms Oprahs Family Secret Revealed Thanks to GTL!A secret that Oprah’s Mother hid from her for almost 50 years has been exposed and proven to be true. It is finally confirmed, thanks to GTL (Genetic Testing Laboratories), that Oprah has a 47-year-old half sister named Patricia.  Surprisingly, her new found family has only lived only 90 minutes from Oprah’s home in Chigaco this whole time! The results for this “bombshell family secret” that were shown on national TV were courtesy of GTL’s test results.

According to ABC News Oprah was in shock when she found out how close the two had actually lived to each other all this time. “Imagine my shock just a few months ago, at the end of October, when I found out I have another sister living just 90 minutes away,” said Winfrey, 57.
abc oprah sister patricia 110124 main ms Oprahs Family Secret Revealed Thanks to GTL!

"Oprah and her sister reunite!"

Oprah, who is known for her talk show where she reunites families, connects people around the world, gives to numerous charities, and ultimately does well for society received a little surprise herself thanks to Genetic Testing Laboratories. Once Oprah found out the truth about her family and that she did have a sibling that her mother had never told her about there was much rejoicing. The talk show star was reported to have said this, “The Oprah Show has reunited a lot of people – I thought I’d seen it all. But this, my friends, is the miracle of all miracles. This time I’m the one being reunited.” Not only has Oprah gained a half sister, but Patricia’s children, Aquarius and Andre are now part of the family as well.

GTL siblings test has help Oprah expand her family and has brought new people and joy to her life. Now she has much to look forward too when she finally gets acquainted with her new found family!

Powered by Article Dashboard forensic science fingerprinting fingerprints, DNA remains unique to each individual and never changes. For this reason, DNA testing serves as an invaluable tool for law enforcement officers and the nation’s courts. Once only obtainable through blood samples, Genetic Testing Laboratories and other facilities now have the ability of extracting DNA from less invasive locations that include hair, skin cells or from the cells obtained by swabbing along the cheeks inside the mouth. In 1994, a Federal law enabled law enforcement to establish a national DNA database on felons. Local, state and federal agencies also submit information that all levels of law enforcement share as a tool for solving crimes. However, court systems remain in disagreement as to the appropriate time law enforcement officers might obtain DNA samples without invading a suspect’s right to privacy. The conflict arose secondary to a Maryland case involving convicted rapist Alonzo King.

Law enforcement arrested King as a rape suspect. The state attempted getting a conviction based on DNA samples obtained when officers arrested King three years prior for assault. King’s attorney argued that the court should not allow the evidence because the action infringed upon the suspect’s Fourth Amendment rights. The court convicted King of rape in 2003. Members of the Maryland Court of Appeals agree that merely arresting someone does not grant law enforcement the right to invade privacy by obtaining a DNA sample. The sample obtained after King’s initial arrest was not required for identification and the process carries a higher degree of personal invasion compared to fingerprinting.

chief justice john roberts Court to Review DNA Collection LawState officials requested Supreme Court ruling on the matter. Law enforcement fear losing a vital crime-fighting tool and do not recognize the difference between obtaining fingerprints or DNA information. Chief Justice Roberts agrees with the current statute arguing that samples obtained from suspects arrested for violent crimes aids law enforcement with unsolved cases. The evidence helps eliminate violent criminals from society. Roberts believes that removing this tool from the hands of law enforcement causes more harm than good. Preventing officers from submitting DNA information into a state database also affects the national database and the opportunity for solving crimes in other states or by the F.B.I. The current Maryland law expires at the closing of 2013. The U.S. Supreme Court will make a final determination on the matter by June 2013.
chief justice john roberts Court to Review DNA Collection Law
Private citizens also have the option of submitting samples for DNA testing. Having a personal DNA profile helps track or identify individuals in the event that they become the subject of a missing person’s case because of abduction or natural disaster. Samples sent to GTL for DNA testing also serve as evidence for other legal matters that include paternity suits.

Using samples obtained from a child and a suspected parent, laboratories determine the probability of biological relationship by identifying specific, common markers in the DNA of both individuals. Consumers might also desire knowing the geographical location of ancestral origins, which DNA testing provides. Once costing hundreds of dollars, laboratories now perform modern, private DNA tests that ensure accurate results at a fraction of the cost.

forensics and mithocondria

gmo free steak 300x300 GMO Meat & How a DNA Test Can Predict How Good Beef Will TasteThere’s good news for folks who like a tender, tasty steak every day. Scientists have been studying cattle genes to determine which make the most tender and flavorful meat, which is probably something you won’t mind if you like sinking your teeth into a perfectly-cooked piece of beef. After determining which genes make our mouths the happiest, researches from the National Agronomic Research Institute in Theix, France have devised a chip, known as GENOTEND, that analyzes cow DNA for the genes that result in a tender slice of beef.

Some say the proof is in the pudding, but the pudding in question is beef. After locating the cows that are scientifically the best tasting, scientists put the results to a test using human tasters, of course. Expert taste testers agreed with the results of the DNA test completely, which should be proof enough for even the staunchest critic.

Before now, the professionals have taken a bit of a guess at which cow will produce the best meat, and the risk hasn’t always paid off. Some people might be getting excited about the idea of breeding the perfect cow based on taste alone, but this will not be the case, at least yet. The DNA-inspecting chip is inserted during a point at which it is too late to breed the tastiest cows. Perhaps science will be able to change this in the future, but you’ll have to wait for science to make those strides.

The field of DNA testing for taste has other progress to make. The scientists involved are intent on finding a way to make the chip work in a wider variety of situations. The testing chip works only with specific breeds, for instance. All of the testing also occurred on male specimens from the Charolais breed. While the scientists tested both bulls and steers successfully, there’s no gene testing that works with females cows at this point.

It’s unlikely that this discovery will lead to direct genetic modification, which is not currently practiced. After some attempts to modify livestock in 1990s to promote milk creation and reduce fat, the tested subjects became more likely to become infected with diseases while simultaneously experiencing difficulties in reproduction. We’re sure that folks from PETA and the crunchy types who dislike genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, will find fault with this type of research and where it will potentially lead.

Genetic modification may not be as far in the future as some people will guess. Some manufacturers are waiting for an FDA approval of modified salmon for sale in the United States.Other GMO experiments have occurred, but no milk, meat or eggs sold in the USA has from a modified animal.

Still, we’re sure that hungry shoppers will eventually be able to head to the grocery store and purchase meet based on those very results, rather than other factors such as hanging time. A day might come when you don’t have to worry about your steak being too tough.

Powered by Article Dashboard ethnic origin

great barrier reef dna 300x225 How DNA testing Can Help Barrier ReefsDNA testing isn’t only for humans anymore. In recent years, DNA testing has been used to help dogs, plants and now, even ocean life. Worldwide, populations of coral and the thousands of species that live in their reefs are suffering the effects of climate change. Fortunately, enterprising scientists believe that DNA testing might be able to help.

Off the coast of Queensland, Australia, stretching an astonishing 133,000 square miles over the floor of great barrier reef dna 300x225 How DNA testing Can Help Barrier Reefsthe Coral Sea, lies the Great Barrier Reef. It is the single biggest structure made of living organisms in the world, and this marvel of the ocean is visible from space.

Coral is made up of billions of tiny organisms called coral polyps. The Great Barrier Reef, a network of coral reefs and about 900 islands, is made up of over four hundred species of coral forming nearly 3,000 individual reefs. In addition to the coral, the Great Barrier Reef is teeming with sea life. Dolphins, whales, sea snakes, thousands of fish, sea turtles and even salt water crocodiles call the Reef home. Nearly a thousand species of coral-dwelling orgasms like anemones live symbiotically with the coral formations as well.

Sadly, the Reef is being devastated by climate change and pollution. In October 2012, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences revealed that the Reef has lost more than half its coral cover since 1985. Coral is extremely sensitive to changes in salinity and temperature. Even minute shifts can destroy coral populations. Climate change is warming ocean water globally, and the melting of the polar ice caps is changing the ocean’s salinity. These changes are triggering mass coral death, called coral bleaching, in the Great Barrier Reef.

A group of scientists fighting to find ways to help the Reef are hoping an answer than be found in coral DNA. Just as human DNA can vary from region to region, so can the DNA of specific coral species. Many identical species of coral live in both the Great Barrier Reef and the Red Sea in the Middle East. Compared to the Reef, the conditions in the Red Sea are extreme. The coral there withstands much warmer, saltier waters than their Australian cousins.

Scientists are hoping to identify and understand the areas of genetic code that affect a coral’s ability to adapt to change. They are also looking to discern which species are more resilient and why. Using this research, they can devise targeted conservation efforts and prioritize those corals that are more vulnerable.

Recent research is showing that simple conservation efforts will not be enough to protect the dwindling coral populations in the Great Barrier Reef. Saving the reef will require a full scale restoration effort of an ecosystem in turmoil. Unless action is taken, the coral population could halve again in the next decade. Hopefully, with the help of DNA testing, scientists may just be able to reverse the damage.

dna electrophoresis testing caylee anthony sheriff’s department in Orange County now claims local investigators missed evidence found on the Anthony family computer that may have altered the outcome of the Casey Anthony case. After confiscating the computer, officers found over one dozen unusual search entries found in the history files of Internet Explorer. According to the prosecution, someone in the household conducted web searches for:

  • Chloroform
  • How to make chloroform
  • Chest trauma
  • Internal bleedingNeck breaking

Prosecution Missed Gruesome Firefox SearchHaving a lack of DNA evidence, investigators relied on a trail of digital and physical findings for formulating a case against Casey Anthony. Supposed new evidence indicates that someone in the home performed a search using the Firefox browser for “fool proof suffocation.” The search occurred on the last known day of little Caylee’s life. Anthony’s attorney, Jose Baez claims this information is not new. The attorney released a book last summer, describing the trial in detail and acknowledges that defense investigators found the search entries. Baez claims that George Anthony performed the search with suicidal ideations, as the next history entry discovered involved an article referring to poisoning and self-imposed suffocation using a plastic bag.

Local Orange County television news anchor Tony Pipitone read Baez’ book.

His curiosity grew as to why this history did not emerge during the trial. Members of the prosecutor’s office claimed they were unaware of the information. Perhaps detectives performed a limited search of the Firefox history and merely missed the entry. The extent of the Firefox history may have appeared too daunting, which led to only searching the Internet Explorer files. Representatives from both the sheriff’s and the prosecutor’s offices believe that local law enforcement learned a valuable lesson in not acquiring assistance from federal investigators.

Defense and Prosecution Continue Verbal Sparring

Baez does not believe that the prosecution lacked knowledge of the information. He continued that any and all possible resources of evidence remained available to both teams. The defense team expected full disclosure of the evidence by the State Attorney’s Office during the trial. The attorney believes the state buried the information because previous witness testimony reportedly established that Casey was not present in the house at the time of the search. The prosecution denies this theory and adds that following the entry for the suffocation search, someone spent time on a MySpace page. That someone was Casey Anthony.

The state contends that after re-examining the entries in comparison with timelines, George Anthony was working at the time of the Internet inquiries. Whether or not possessing this information might have influenced the jury into arriving at a different conclusion remains unknown. Unaware of the subject of the suffocation inquisition, the prosecution insisted that Caylee suffered chloroform poisoning and probable suffocation from having her face covered with duct tape. Prolonged decomposition made cause of death determination impossible. Using maternal and grandparent identification through DNA testing, forensic specialists successfully identified the remains of Caylee Anthony.

Justin Bieber Takes a DNA Test to Prove He is Not the Father of 3-Month Old Tristyn

bieber 251x300 Justin Bieber Takes a DNA Test to Prove He is Not the Father of 3 Month Old TristynEarlier this month, we wrote an article on Justin Bieber being accused of fathering a 3-month old baby after one of his performances. Bieber’s representatives have since denied allegations that the 17-year-old Canadian pop-star has had sexual intercourse with the accuser, Mariah Yeater. As the war intensifies, sources have learned that Justin Bieber has taken a DNA test at a private facility in New Jersey last Friday. According to RadarOnline, a source had this to say:

Justin took a DNA test on Friday night. The whole process lasted less than 10 minutes. It’s an extremely reputable facility, and there are surveillance cameras everywhere to ensure tests are done with integrity and can’t be compromised. Justin’s test should be processed and completed by the end of the week. It’s time for Mariah to put up or shut up, and submit the baby to a test.

The Power of a DNA test

The news that Justin Bieber would gladly take a paternity test to prove he is not the father of Mariah Yeater’s baby has caused Yeater and her legal team to drop the paternity suit altogether. In fact, Yeater’s original legal team has parted ways with her after the dropped action. However, Yeater will allow her baby to undergo DNA testing to see if there is indeed any match to Bieber’s DNA. Confident that he is not the father, Bieber’s team announced their intentions to sue Yeater for defamation of character after the test comes back negative:

We’ll vigorously pursue all available legal remedies to protect Justin and to hold those involved with bringing this suit accountable for their actions.

Although Bieber has taken a DNA test, Yeater’s legal team is claiming that it was done incorrectly due to the fact that a witness from Yeater’s team was not present, and therefore could not verify the legitimacy of the test. But as we wait for the results of Bieber and baby Tristyn’s DNA tests, the facts seem to suggest that Justin Bieber is NOT the father:

  •  Justin Bieber willingly took a DNA test to prove he is not the father.
  • Mariah Yeater dropped her paternity suit against Justin Bieber.
  • Mariah Yeater asked friends to delete incriminating text messages.
  • Mariah Yeater’s first legal team dropped her stating that she was fabricating her stories.
  • Mariah Yeater accused her ex-boyfriend of being the father of the baby a year before the Justin Bieber accusation came forth.

Is there yet another side of the story? Is Justin Bieber the father or is Mariah Yeater making everything up in order to get rich quick? We will find out soon enough when the results come back. Until then, keep checking our DNA Testing blog for updates on this story as well as other news in the World of DNA.

Lindsay Lohan’s Secret Half Sister

lindsay lohan half sister 300x252 Lindsay Lohans Secret Half SisterThe infamous Lohan family made headlines again recently with the announcement that Michael Lohan fathered an illegitimate daughter 17 years ago. Lohan and his wife Dina separated for a period of eight months, during which time Mr. Lohan had a brief relationship with Kristi Horn Kauffman. Closely resembling her famous half-sister Lindsey, Ashley resides in Montana with her mother. Much to the dismay of Dina and the Lohan children, the family reportedly learned of the child’s existence in 2010. Ashley arrived into the world between the births of Dina’s 18-year-old daughter Ali and 16-year-old son Cody. Kristi made repeated attempts at getting Michael to acknowledge the child but he continually denied involvement. Lohan never provided child support for Ashley and is currently expecting another child with a current love interest.  

Paternity Results Broadcast on Live TV

The newly introduced member of the Lohan clan spent the last couple of years establishing a recording career under the name Ashley A. The young woman recently appeared on a daytime talk show with her mother and Michael. The paternity test results revealed on the show proved to all that Michael indeed was the girl’s father. Upon hearing declaration of the test results, Kristi cried and Michael appeared visibly uncomfortable. The senior Lohan then stood and offered an apologetic hug to his abandoned daughter. When questioned about the revelation of having another sister, Lindsay Lohan appeared indifferent. Sources believe that Lindsay does not intend to have a relationship with the girl and remains estranged from her father.
Home DNA Testing
DNA testing no longer requires an expensive journey to a laboratory for blood samples. Technicians now quickly and accurately perform genetic testing on hair, skin or body fluids. Current tests essentially only require swabbing the interior of the mouth cavity along the cheeks. All-inclusive kits provide the necessary paperwork and materials for obtaining DNA samples in the comfort of a consumer’s home. Using the same technology implemented by federal and state law enforcement agencies, technicians identify 16 specific markers on a DNA sample. A child’s DNA sample contains 13 markers from each parent. Lab specialists initially evaluate for genetic matches between the child and the parent in question. After affirming a match, further testing compares the parent’s DNA with a database, which concludes the percentage of likelihood that the markers are unique to the parent.
Strictly Confidential
After obtaining results, the laboratory mails the information to the parents, attorneys or other designated individuals. The AABB accredited testing procedure provides legally binding results accompanied by all of the required documentation. Once costing hundreds of dollars and requiring a lengthy waiting time, the price for acquiring modern day DNA testing begins around $80. Clients commonly receive test results within one week.
Types of DNA Testing
Besides affirming or negating paternity, individuals might have testing performed for health screening, establishing sibling relationship or distant relatives. Some desire screening for determining ethnic or geographical origin. Occasionally, spouses suspect infidelity. Submitting hair, suspicious clothing or other possible sources of DNA samples, may provide significant others with peace of mind.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Most Contagious

This my friends is the only 2012 review you need.

Click here to download the pdf. 

victim james hawkins 1993

Gordon Francis, a career offender, has finally been charged with the 1993 murder of James Hawkins, a social worker in New York City.
gordon francis 1993 murder DNA Evidence Solves 20 Year Old Murder Mystery: Gordon Francis Arrested

gordon francis 1993 murder DNA Evidence Solves 20 Year Old Murder Mystery: Gordon Francis Arrested

Gordon Francis had been in jail for abduction, rape, and robbery. He was convicted of those charges in 1983 with a possible sentence of up to sixteen years. He was let out of jail just three months before James Hawkins’ murder.

James Hawkins was discovered dead in his Chelsea apartment on August 15, 1993. He had been wounded with a knife twenty-five times in the throat, stomach, and chest. Hawkins fought his attacker and had wounds to his tongue, gums, and mouth.

James Hawkins, 50 years old, has a family that has sought justice for almost twenty years.

District Attorney, Cyrus Vance, said that new interviews of many witnesses, recent forensic techniques, and changes in the laws brought about the arrest of Gordon Francis.

A trail of blood down the stairs of Hawkins’ apartment and advances in DNA testing gave an important clue to Hawkins’ murder. The Hawkins murder case was renewed.

In 2000, the medical examiner put out the results of the DNA test from the Hawkins murder into the federal database. This database is for all law enforcement agencies.

In 2006, lesser offenses were added to the list of offenses that mandated the convicts to give DNA specimen.

dennis hawkins 1994 murder1 300x225 DNA Evidence Solves 20 Year Old Murder Mystery: Gordon Francis Arrested
In 2008, Gordon Francis committed a illegal trespass that required a DNA test. In 2010, there was a match between Francis and the evidence in the Hawkins’ apartment. The witnesses were interviewed again and another DNA test was done. An anal specimen from James Hawkins, the victim, indicated a combination of DNA from Gordon Francis and James Hawkins. Francis was arrested in February for failing to register as a sex criminal and was convicted in March. He was to be discharged from jail in October. Francis can be sentenced to life imprisonment if proved to have murdered James Hawkins.

All thanks to DNA Testing!

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timothy judge on stress is good

asleep at work 400x300 custom Unhappy at Work? Blame Your DNA

Everyone knows that genes may be the controlling factors that decide whether you’ll get a serious disease, become overweight, or even be more prone to heart disease. A recent study, however, shows that genes might also be the reason why some people get more stressed out at work than others.
New research by Dr. Timothy Judge, a management professor at University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business, led to the conclusion that work stress, job satisfaction and the health problems that are caused by high stress have their basis in a person’s genes.
Dr. Judge studied almost 600 pairs of twins who were both raised together and raised apart. He was able to show that being raised in identical environments ultimately had little effect on a person’s personality, stress and health. Instead, it seems that shared genes are about four times as important in determining these traits as a shared environment.
For an example of this, consider two employees who work at the same business doing the same job. These two individuals could report very different levels of stress. This does not mean that one employee actually has a more stressful job than the other one, however. According to Dr. Judge, the study showed strong genetic factors tied to work stress and how a person deals with that stress. In other words, stress levels seem to have more to do with the individual than with their environment.
For individuals, this study means that changing jobs or switching companies might not always help to alleviate work-related stress. A better solution is to examine your own predispositions
toward stress and consider how you can better handle situations. Of course, Dr. Judge was quick to point out that not all people who feel stress at work have only themselves to blame.
The study, “Genetic Influences on Core Self-Evaluations, Job Satisfaction, Work Stress, and Employee Health: A Behavioral Genetics Mediated Model,” was recently published in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

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genealogy web Why Keeping Track of Family Genealogy is Important 

Establishing accurate genealogy can be critical for a number of individuals. One of the top reasons is actually because of the advances in genetic science that permits genealogical testing to be done in the first place. Not only can DNA be used to establish lineage, it is also routinely used to show potential health issues that can rise later in life. Establishing an accurate lineage helps when it comes time to putting together a family medical history.

Pressure from family and culture has produced many children who grow into adulthood under the false impression of whom their parents are . This can lead to problems later on if a health issue arises with the individual or even their progeny. The first papers filled out in any medical facility include in-depth questions about family medical history. This can only be accomplished with accuracy if one’s own genealogy is known to be true.

Our current technological age has many families losing records and keepsakes that family members just a generation or two earlier kept close track of. Most data today is electronic and can be lost in just one second. Earlier generations kept written records along with sharing information orally about ancestors. Family Bibles used to be sold that had whole sections for family to record highly detailed family history in them. This has fallen out of fashion.

Establishing genealogy through simple and inexpensive DNA testing empowers people by letting them know for sure where they have come from. A simple paternity test establishes who one’s father is. That knowledge can be used to accomplish everything from introducing a whole new set of biological relatives to answering questions concerning certain traits, characteristics and health issues. The same genetic science that established parentage can then be used to show much more. Some do not wish to know this information, and that is perfectly fine. However, whenever the questions beg to be answered, there is a way of finding out for sure. Inexpensive paternity testing is 99.999 percent accurate for showing whom one’s father is and 100 percent accurate for excluding those who are not. There is also testing to prove or disprove whom one’s mother is. The information is so accurate that it is considered to be binding evidence in a court of law.

No blood testing is needed for paternity tests. Only easy to obtain swabs of the inside of the mouth are needed. This makes it easy for anyone to do since the DNA sampling does not involve any invasive procedure such as a needle to get a blood sample. The cells that line the mouth contain DNA that is tested to prove or disprove lineage. The testing is discreet and fast. The questions that have been wondered about for a long time can now finally be answered.
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damon thibodeaux

Damon Thibodeaux dna prisoner 532x357 custom DNA Evidence Exonerates 300th Prisoner

The 300th prisoner,, was just released from prison after being found innocent based on DNA evidence. This man spent sixteen years in prison. Damon Thibodeaux confessed to rape and murder after nine hours of interrogation, which was untapped. Finally in 2007, his legal team persuaded the Jefferson Parrish County District Attorney to reopen the case after the team agreed to share the expenses. The resulting evidence proved the girl had not been raped, and the DNA evidence did not belong to Mr. Thibodeaux.
The Innocence Project, founded in 1992, by Barry C. Scheck and Peter J. Neufeld, was established to assist prisoners to be released from prison when they could be proven innocent through DNA testing. Out of the 300 prisoners released, seventeen were on death row, including Mr. Thibodeaux. The people who have been released spent an average of 13 years in prison. Many other attorneys are also working on freeing innocent prisoners, including law students working on the University of Chicago Law School’s Exoneration Project.
This organization is a public organization with the goal of reforming the criminal justice system through DNA testing. They are evaluating anywhere frm 6,000 to 8,000 potential cases constantly, and they receive approximately 3,000 requests for help annually. Their website publishes the number of exonerees and their race.
At this time the released exonerees consist of the following races:
  • 187 African Americans
  • 85 Caucasians
  • 21 Latinos
  • 2 Asian Americans
  • 5 whose race is unknown
In 146 of these cases the true perpetrators have been identified. Another interesting fact is that 60 percent of the people exonerated have been financially compensated since states have passed laws to compensate people who are wrongly incarcerated.
Texas leads the nation in exonerating wrongly convicted prisoners. They also have a new law for compensation. Each exoneree receives $80,000 for each year they spent behind bars. In addition, they also receive an annuity between $40,000 and $50,000 annually, which makes this the most generous reimbursement package in the nation.
The number of innocent people being released has proven that wrongful convictions happen much more frequently than previously thought, and some states will be voting on abolishing the death penalty for this reason.
There are several reasons people are wrongly convicted, but the primary reason is misleading eyewitness testimony. This proved to be a factor in 72 percent of the overturned cases, with 40 percent of the cases involving cross racial identification.
In approximately 50 percent of the cases, improper forensic science was part of the problem, with such problems as errors in hair microscopy, bite mark comparisons, shoe print comparisons and firearm tool marking analysis.
In approximately 27 percent of the cases, there were false confessions and incriminating statements made by the defendant following interrogations. The Innocence Project is pushing police departments to record all interrogations to prevent coercion and to have an accurate record.
The last contributing factor is false informants found in 18 percent of the cases. Informants often receive special treatment for their testimony, which is an incentive to lie.

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baby04 Infant DNA Tests Speed Diagnosis of Rare Diseases

Benefits of DNA Testing
The most accurate way for physicians to diagnose genetic disorders in newborn infants is DNA testing, which is the thorough examination of the DNA molecule. Children’s Mercy Hospital of Kansas City, MO, is using a new test that provides results in a couple of days versus the typical weeks or even months in the past. The test is designed to specifically identify disease causing mutations.
This new DNA examination is not in widespread use at this time as research is ongoing. The facts are one in 20 newborns in neonatal intensive care units have a genetic disease. Faulty genes have been found in 3,500 of the 7,500 known genetic diseases.
Since the completion of the Human Genome Project Analysis a large amount of data analysis will be ongoing for many years. In this project approximately 20,000 to 25,000 genes were identified, along with the sequencing of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA.
There are numerous accredited laboratories where it is possible to get accurate DNA testing for paternity testing. When looking for a laboratory to have DNA testing, it is important to seek out one that has several accreditations from governing agencies.
Some of the accrediting agencies to seek out are:
  • American Association of Blood Banks, which requires a rigorous review with an inspection of the testing processes and the laboratory.
  • National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA), which is the most difficult accreditation to obtain due to its difficult quality and security requirements.
  • Safe Harbor requires data protection, providing privacy protection for the European Union.
  • ISO 17025 accreditation assures technical competence with the calibrations and testing labs.
  • A2LA accreditation system is the largest multi-discipline system in the United States, which is recognized by Accreditation Bodies in the European Union and other international countries.
DNA tests only require a buccal swab, which is painless swab from inside of the cheek from an infant or adult. The testing may also be completed with a blood
sample from a finger prick. DNA sampling for a paternity test, particularly if it is legally binding, requires a swab from the mother, child and alleged father. This is the most accurate way to determine paternity and a good laboratory will require 16 identity markers for accuracy. One of those markers determines the sex of the person. Accuracy can reach 99.99999 percent.
There are many types of tests that may be ordered from the laboratory. For instance, a DNA Predisposition Test reveals the predisposition for 25 different diseases and conditions. DNA testing can be completed to look for ancestral origins. An Infidelity DNA Test can test a wide range of garments or objects for DNA. There is a Zygosity DNA Twin that will confirm whether twins are fraternal or identical. Furthermore, there are tests for grandparents, aunts and uncles. Prenatal paternity testing may also be completed before birth. There is also an Immigration DNA Test and a Missing Parent Test that may help law enforcement.
Finally, two people may get a DNA test to see if they are related. DNA testing may be done through the mail and is confidential, with the results being mailed in a plain envelope. Accuracy is guaranteed with an accredited laboratory and DNA testing if very affordable.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Brand power

Yes I know it's an ad for Lego but for me it isn't.

I see this as an ad for the power of brands.

Something so powerful yet for many people impossible to understand.

Things change

Best seat in the house

This Audi ad arrived in my inbox just moments after I'd finished a seriously stressful five or so minutes on the Ticketek website securing tickets to Bruce Springsteen.

Click the pic for a bigger better look. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Born into it

Sports network ESPN has been running their "It's not crazy it's sport" campaign for around two years.

Every ad I've seen taps beautifully into what it means to love a team or sport.

This new ad about the red and blue halves of Manchester is an absolute cracker.

Of course being a Liverpool fan since I was in short trousers I can tell you that no wonder what half of Manchester you're from you're still a muppet.

Except of course for Tony Wilson.

Although on second thoughts he was a bit of a muppet too.

What really made me laugh about this ad though was a comment I saw on YouTube - Fake. The United fan has a Manchester accent!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Attention to detail

This ad is one of a campaign for the Turkish CNBC Network.

The campaign made me smile when I first came across it.

But something about this particular ad troubled me.

And then I realised why.

The headline's wrong!

Can someone please let the people at Rafineri in Istanbul know.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tweets on the toilet

My wife is always nagging me for spending time tweeting on the toilet.

I thought I was the only person that did it.

Seems I'm not.

A recent Neilsen survey has found that more than a third of young adults access social media on their phone on the toilet.

I know I'm far from a young adult. But it's great to know I'm not the only one doing it!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Life lessons

You may or may not know that I am the senior at Junior.

We put on regular Junior  talks where established creative people give their Top Ten Tips on being creative to a crowd of young wannabes.

Our last talk for the year was by Jason Deacon, Associate CD at DT Digital, who opened his talk with the slide above.

It really hit a chord with me.

In fact I'm envious that at just 26 years of age Deacon has already worked out what it's taken me a lifetime to learn - that ideas don't come easy and that you spend an inordinate amount of time feeling like shit because the ideas aren't flowing.

When I say learn that's not actually true. I already know this I just find it hard to accept.

Anyway just wanted to thank Jason for sharing his wisdom.

You can see all his Junior slides here

Monday, December 3, 2012

2013 social media wrap-up

This is the first end of year wrap-up 'n stats video I've seen. I suspect it won't be the last. Well worth a few minutes of your time though.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

A message to you

How cute is this little experiential piece for Jamaican beer Red Stripe?

Definitely get's my vote for the best way to kickstart a Monday!